Category: Arts
Created by: architected
Number of Blossarys: 27
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The Pritzker Architecture Prize is awarded annually to "honor a living architect whose built work demonstrates a combination of those qualities of talent, vision and commitment, which has produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity and the built environment through the art of architecture." Founded in 1979 by Jay A. Pritzker and his wife Cindy, the award is funded by the Pritzker family and sponsored by the Hyatt Foundation and is considered to be one of the world's premier architecture prizes; it is often referred to as the Nobel Prize of architecture. The prize is said to be awarded "irrespective of nationality, race, creed, or ideology.
Nagrado Pritzker arhitekture je vsako leto podeljujejo "čast živih arhitekt, katerih zgrajena delo dokazuje kombinacijo teh lastnosti talent, vizijo in predanost, ki je pripravila dosledno in pomembnih prispevkov za človeštvo in grajenega okolja skozi umetnost z arhitekturo." leta 1979 ustanovil Jay A. Pritzker in njegova žena Cindy, nagrado je financirala družina Pritzker in pod pokroviteljstvom fundacije Hyatt in se šteje za eno od Sveta' s premier arhitekture nagrade; To se pogosto imenuje Nobelovo nagrado arhitekture. Nagrada je dejal, da dodelijo "ne glede na narodnost, raso, veroizpoved ali ideologije.