Home > Blossary: Xbox 360


Company: Microsoft

2 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

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An Xbox LIVE sponsored contest between approved Xbox LIVE members.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE sponzoruje súťaž medzi schválenými členom Xbox LIVE.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The rating computed from the aggregation of all player reviews a player has received, represented in every gamer card as an icon.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Rating vypočítaný z zoskupenie všetkých hráčov hostí hráč dostal, zastúpené v každej hre kartu ako ikonu.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An Xbox LIVE Primetime award, such as Xbox LIVE Arcade games or Microsoft Points.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE Primetime ocenenie, Xbox LIVE Arcade hry alebo Microsoft Points.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE area that caters to players who take an alternative approach to gaming.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE oblasti, ktorá zabezpečuje, aby hráči, ktorí sa alternatívny prístup na hranie.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The automatic angle adjustment function of the Kinect Sensor.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Funkcia nastavenia automatické uhol senzora Kinect.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The area in which the player plays. It is always within the sensor's field of view, and should be clear of obstructions.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Oblasť, v ktorej hráč hrá. To je vždy v zornom poli snímač a by malo byť jasné od preká¾ky.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

In-game gesture that brings up the Kinect Guide.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

V hre gesto, ktoré vychová sprievodcu senzora Kinect.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The visual progress indicator that appears in the corner of the screen when a player performs the guide gesture. Because the icon is only visible when cued by the guide gesture, use only when necessary to specifically call out its functionality, as in an instructional demo, for example.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Vizuálne pokrok ukazovateľ, ktorý sa objaví v rohu obrazovky, keď hráč vykonáva gesto na zobrazenie sprievodcu. Pretože ikona je iba viditeľné pri šťouchl sprievodca gesto, použite iba v prípade potreby osobitne zavolať svojej funkcie, rovnako ako v inštruktážnych demo, napríklad.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The icon that appears when a player is detected in the play space, prompting a wave to engage with Kinect. Once engaged, a hand pointer appears, which serves as a mechanism for navigation and object manipulation in Kinect Hub and Kinect Guide.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Ikonu, ktorá sa zobrazí, keď je detekovaný prehrávač v hernom priestore, pobádať vlna zapojiť so senzorom Kinect. Raz zapojená, sa zobrazí ukazovateľ v tvare ruky, ktorá slúži ako mechanizmus pre navigáciu a objekt manipulácie v hlavnej ponuke Kinect Hub a Kinect Guide.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The icon that is present when the Kinect microphone is available to accept voice commands.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Ikonu, ktorá je prítomná pri Kinect mikrofón je k dispozícii na prijímanie hlasových povelov.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The button at the top right and left edge of the controller. Equivalent to a shoulder button.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Tlačidlo na hornej pravej a ľavej hrane kontrolóra. Zodpovedá tlačidlu rameno.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The button on both the wireless controller and the console used to make a permanent attachment between the controller and console.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Tlačidlo na bezdrôtový ovládač a konzoly sa používa na trvalé upevnenie medzi radičom a konzoly.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The controller stick button. Formerly known as thumbstick button.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Držať tlačidlo radič. Predtým známy ako thumbstick tlačidlo.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Gameplay feedback produced by the controller motor. Do not use rumble.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Gameplay námety vyrába radič motora. Nepoužívajte rachot.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Multiplayer mode used for displaying a list of game sessions. LIVE Silver Membership accounts are limited to list play multiplayer sessions.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Multiplayer mód používa na zobrazenie zoznamu hernými reláciami. LIVE Silver Členstvo účty sú obmedzené na zozname hrať multiplayer zasadnutí.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The process by which the sensor orients itself to the environment.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Proces ktorým snímač umiestni sám na životné prostredie.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The entire area that the sensor can "see," including walls, furniture, and other obstructions.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The entire area that the sensor can "see," including walls, furniture, and other obstructions.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An object in the play space that interferes with player movement or conceals part or all of the player.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Objekt v priestore hrať narušovalo pohyb hráča alebo skrýva časti alebo všetkých hráčov.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A motion made by a player that's intended to be tracked by the sensor. Gesture can also be used to mean both gestures and poses. This sense is not expected to see extensive application.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Od hráča, ktorý má byť sledovaný snímačom pohybu. Gesto môže tiež znamenať gestá a pózy. Tento pocit sa neočakáva vidieť rozsiahle aplikácie.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Stationary body stance that's tracked and interpreted by the sensor as input.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Stacionárne telo postoj, ktorý má sledovať a interpretované senzor ako vstup.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A person's physical state as interpreted by the sensor, e.g., standing, sitting, kneeling, and so on.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Osoby fyzikálny stav ako interpretovaný snímačom, napr, stály, sedenie, kľačanie, a tak ďalej.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The detection and following of a person's movements by the sensor.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Zisťovanie a tieto osoby pohybov snímačom.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The focal point on the screen that mirrors hand movement in the PHIZ. Games may choose their own game-specific terms for pointers.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Kontaktné miesto na obrazovke, že zrkadlá ruku hnutia v PHIZ. Hry môžu vybrať svoje vlastné hry-špecifické podmienky pre odkazy.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An accomplishment as defined by a game.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Úspech definované hra.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

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