Home > Blossary: Xbox 360


Company: Microsoft

2 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

My Terms
Collected Terms

Additional content for games (maps, weapons, songs, gameplay modes, etc.) made available online for download.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

在网上提供下载的游戏 (地图、 武器、 歌曲、 游戏模式等) 附加内容。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Games available for download from the Xbox LIVE service.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

游戏可供下载从 Xbox LIVE 服务。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An invitation to play a game with another player on Xbox LIVE.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

邀请与玩游戏另一个玩家在 Xbox LIVE 上。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The detailed view of a gamer's profile. Applicable to online and offline profiles. Profile acceptable when space is restricted.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A subset of a gamer's profile, the gamer card is a snapshot of the most essential data about a gamer.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A player's cumulative achievement score. In English language UI, the icon can substitute for the full word amerscore. Can also be used in reference to the score earned for a single achievement.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A player's cumulative achievement score. In English language UI, the icon can substitute for the full word amerscore. Can also be used in reference to the score earned for a single achievement.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Online, it refers to an Xbox LIVE profile name.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

在线,它是指一个 Xbox LIVE 的配置文件名称。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A player on Xbox LIVE who is playing on another player's membership.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

关于 Xbox LIVE 玩家玩另一个球员的成员身份。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An invitation to engage in an Xbox LIVE activity such as playing a game or chatting.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

邀请从事 Xbox LIVE 的活动,如玩游戏或聊天。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

List of the top players in a game or other competition on Xbox LIVE. Was scoreboard originally.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

顶级的球员的比赛或其他游戏在 Xbox LIVE 上的列表。最初是记分板。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The Xbox LIVE method of matching players with other players and games.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE 匹配方法玩家与其他玩家和游戏。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Picture/image associated with a gamer profile that only people on your friends list can see.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A person to whom a gamer has given a positive player review.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

One-on-one chat, initiated from the Xbox Guide.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

一对一聊天,从 Xbox 指南启动。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An Xbox LIVE Primetime award, such as Xbox LIVE Arcade games or Microsoft Points.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE 的黄金时间奖,例如 Xbox LIVE 的街机游戏或微软点。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Avatar accessories, such as hand-held items or toys.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Matchmaking based on finding your friends, recent players, preferred players, and/or players who share similar profile settings. Player acceptable when space is restricted.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE area that caters to players who want to game against the best.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE 的区域,迎合了球员不想反对最好的游戏。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Matchmaking based on finding a game immediately. Quick acceptable when space is restricted.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Matchmaking based on finding people who have a similar skill level in a particular game. Ranked acceptable when space is restricted.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE area that caters to players who take a more casual, laid-back approach to gaming.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

迎合采取更随意,悠闲的方法游戏的玩家的 Xbox LIVE 的区域。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The rating computed from the aggregation of all player reviews a player has received, represented in every gamer card as an icon.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An option that allows a player to watch a game session on Xbox LIVE without joining.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

允许球员没有加入观看上 Xbox LIVE 的游戏会话的选项。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Player ranking based on the TrueSkill system used by the Xbox LIVE service that takes inputs from games and computes a player's rank relative to every other player who has played that game and game mode.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

球员排名基于 Xbox LIVE 服务,它从游戏的投入并计算球员的等级与其他玩家玩过这游戏和游戏的模式所使用的 TrueSkill 系统。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE area that caters to players who take an alternative approach to gaming.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

迎合了另一种方法去游戏的玩家的 Xbox LIVE 的区域。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The icon that is present when the Kinect microphone is available to accept voice commands.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

是目前可接受声音命令 Kinect 麦克风时该图标。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The button at the top right and left edge of the controller. Equivalent to a shoulder button.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

顶部的左、 右边缘的控制器的按钮。相当于一个肩膀按钮。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The controller stick button. Formerly known as thumbstick button.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

控制器棍子按钮。以前称为 thumbstick 按钮。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The button on both the wireless controller and the console used to make a permanent attachment between the controller and console.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An Xbox LIVE sponsored contest between approved Xbox LIVE members.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE 发起了核定的 Xbox LIVE 的成员之间的竞赛。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The automatic angle adjustment function of the Kinect Sensor.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Kinect 传感器自动角度调整功能。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The area in which the player plays. It is always within the sensor's field of view, and should be clear of obstructions.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

In-game gesture that brings up the Kinect Guide.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

在游戏中带来了 Kinect 指南的笔势。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The visual progress indicator that appears in the corner of the screen when a player performs the guide gesture. Because the icon is only visible when cued by the guide gesture, use only when necessary to specifically call out its functionality, as in an instructional demo, for example.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The icon that appears when a player is detected in the play space, prompting a wave to engage with Kinect. Once engaged, a hand pointer appears, which serves as a mechanism for navigation and object manipulation in Kinect Hub and Kinect Guide.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

当一个玩家中检测到的发挥空间,引发了一波与 Kinect 进行时出现的图标。参与一次,会出现一个手指针,Kinect 集线器和 Kinect 指南 》 中的导航和对象操作的机制,作为。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Gameplay feedback produced by the controller motor. Do not use rumble.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Multiplayer mode used for displaying a list of game sessions. LIVE Silver Membership accounts are limited to list play multiplayer sessions.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Request to become friends of players on Xbox LIVE.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

要成为 Xbox LIVE 的玩家朋友的请求。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

On Xbox LIVE, a player on your friends list.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

关于 Xbox LIVE,您的朋友列表的球员。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Xbox LIVE area that caters to players who want a fun, safe, family-friendly environment to play in.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

迎合玩家想一个有趣、 安全、 关爱家庭的环境,以发挥的 Xbox LIVE 的区域。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Content, such as game levels, characters, and maps, that is transferable from the service to the console.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

内容,如游戏水平、 字符和地图,这是可转让的从服务到控制台。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Matchmaking based on a user-defined set of criteria. (Equivalent to Xbox LIVE Optimatch.) Custom acceptable when space is restricted.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

基于用户定义的一套标准的对接。(相当于 Xbox 活 Optimatch)。自定义空间受限制时可接受。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Average rating for a game given by the Xbox LIVE community.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

平均评分为 Xbox LIVE 社会给予的一场比赛。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Notification by a player to the Xbox LIVE service of another player's violation of the Xbox LIVE code of conduct.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

由一个球员到 Xbox LIVE 服务的另一名玩家违反了 Xbox LIVE 行为守则 》 的通知。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An invitation to communicate with another player on Xbox LIVE.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

邀请与另一名玩家在 Xbox LIVE 上进行通信。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A person to whom a gamer has given a negative player review.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An avatar item granted by a game, like an achievement.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

3D personification created by a player, to represent them in social spaces on Xbox LIVE.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

由一个球员,来表示他们对 Xbox LIVE 的社会空间中创建的 3D 拟人化。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The score that is associated with an achievement.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The process by which the sensor orients itself to the environment.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The entire area that the sensor can "see," including walls, furniture, and other obstructions.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The entire area that the sensor can "see," including walls, furniture, and other obstructions.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An object in the play space that interferes with player movement or conceals part or all of the player.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A motion made by a player that's intended to be tracked by the sensor. Gesture can also be used to mean both gestures and poses. This sense is not expected to see extensive application.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

Stationary body stance that's tracked and interpreted by the sensor as input.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

A person's physical state as interpreted by the sensor, e.g., standing, sitting, kneeling, and so on.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

一个人的物理状态的传感器,例如,根据解释站、 坐、 跪着,等等。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The detection and following of a person's movements by the sensor.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

The focal point on the screen that mirrors hand movement in the PHIZ. Games may choose their own game-specific terms for pointers.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

联络点镜手运动在 PHIZ 在屏幕上。游戏可能会选择他们自己游戏特定条款的指针。

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

An accomplishment as defined by a game.

Domain: Games; Category: Consoles


Domain: Games; Category: Consoles

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