Home > Blossary: Stem cell terms


32 Terms

Created by: karen.west

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Cells comprising actual reproductive components of a human organism (e.g., eggs, sperm).

Domain: Medical; Category: Stem cell research

A developing human from the eighth week of gestation to birth.

Domain: Medical; Category: Stem cell research

Primitive (undifferentiated) cells that have the potential to become a wide variety of specialized cell types (i.e., cardiac myocytes, neuronal, pancreatic). They are pluripotent cells derived from ...

Domain: Medical; Category: Stem cell research

The functional cell type of the liver. Hepatocytes make enzymes for detoxifying metabolic waste, synthesise proteins for the blood plasma, produce bile and help control blood sugar levels within ...

Domain: Medical; Category: Stem cell research

A process that takes place in the laboratory (e.g., in cell culture).

Domain: Medical; Category: Stem cell research

A single cell resulting from the fusion of male and female gametes (sperm and egg) at fertilization.

Domain: Medical; Category: Stem cell research

Cells from the body other than sperm or egg cells.

Domain: Medical; Category: Stem cell research

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