Palomar Community College
Industri: Education
Number of terms: 12355
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1946, Palomar College is a public two-year community college in the city of San Marcos, located in north San Diego County, California. Palomar offers over 300 associate degree, certificate programs and is designated by the U.S. Department of Education as an Hispanic-Serving Institution ...
A change in the normal growth patterns and development of an individual that occurs in childhood as a result of specific cultural practices (e. G. , foot binding) or other environmental processes. The anatomical and physiological changes that result are mostly irreversible by adulthood. Example: stunted growth and mild mental retardation due to severe, prolonged undernourishment. Developmental adjustment is also referred to as "developmental acclimatization. "
Una enfermedad que se mantiene con una frecuencia más o menos constante en los individuos afectados de una población de todo el tiempo. Ejemplos: hipertensión, caries y malaria.
A genetically inherited sex chromosome abnormality only affecting females. Metafemales inherit three X chromosomes--their genotype is XXX. As adults, these individuals are usually an inch or so taller than average with unusually long legs and slender torsos. They have normal development of sexual characteristics and are fertile. They may have slight learning difficulties and are usually in the low range of normal intelligence. They tend to be emotionally immature for their size during childhood. None of these traits prevent them from being socially accepted as ordinary women. This type of chromosomal abnormality is apparently rare and little is known about it. However, the frequency is approximately 1 in 1,000 female infants and it may be more common when the mother is older. Metafemales are also called "triple-X females. "
Un óvulo \"fertilizado\". Más precisamente, se trata de una célula que se forma cuando un espermatozoide y un óvulo combinan sus cromosomas en la concepción. Un cigoto contiene la dotación completa de cromosomas (en seres humanos, 46) y tiene el potencial de convertirse en un organismo completo.
A genetically inherited form of mental retardation usually resulting from the inheritance of an extra autosome 21. Down syndrome individuals also typically are short and stocky in build with short appendages. They usually have broad round faces, saddle-shaped nose profiles, and thick tongues that are often stuck out of their mouths. The incidence of Down syndrome children goes up rapidly with the age of the mother, particularly after 40.
Un tipo de roca dura, con una apariencia opaca vidriosa. Se trataba de una materia prima favorita para muchos seres humanos prehistóricos para la fabricación de herramientas, tales como cuchillos y herramientas de rascado.
Un método de datación radiométrico basándose en el hecho de potasio-40 en la descomposición de la roca volcánica en argón 40 y calcio-40 a un ritmo conocido. La semivida del potasio-40 es aproximadamente 1. 3 billones de años. Fechas cronométricas se determinan mediante la medición de la cantidad de argón 40 en una muestra. Del mismo modo, proporciones argón 40 y argón-39 pueden utilizarse para fechar Cronométrico.
Una hipótesis para explicar el origen del Homo sapiens modernos. Se propone que los primeros seres humanos modernos evolucionaron en África, pero cuando emigraron a otras regiones no simplemente substituyó las poblaciones humanas existentes. Por el contrario, ellos se cruzaron en un grado limitado con los humanos arcaicos tarde resultando en poblaciones híbridas.
Una piel acolchada, húmeda y sin vello de la piel en el extremo de la nariz. Esta es una característica de los prosimios (a excepción de tarseros), perros y otros animales.
A number of conditions that occur together and characterize a particular disease or condition (e. G. , Klinefelter syndrome).
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