The Book.xlt template that you create to change the default format of new workbooks. Excel uses the template to create a blank workbook when you start Excel or create a new workbook without specifying a template.
The new, unsaved workbook that's displayed when you start Excel. The default startup workbook is displayed only if you haven't included other workbooks in the XLStart folder.
The interaction between two applications that are communicating and exchanging data through special functions and code known as dynamic data exchange (DDE).
A collection of data related to a particular subject or purpose. Within a database, information about a particular entity, such as an employee or order, is categorized into tables, records, and fields.
An Excel feature that you can use to define restrictions on what data can or should be entered in a cell, and to display messages that prompt users for correct entries and notify users about incorrect entries.
A grid that can be added to some charts and contains the numeric data used to create the chart. The data table usually is attached to the horizontal axis of the chart and replaces the tick-mark labels on the horizontal axis.
A range of cells that shows the results of substituting different values in one or more formulas. There are two types of data tables: one-input tables and two-input tables.
A program file used to connect to a specific database. Each database program or management system requires a different driver.